Before Procedure

Before Procedure

Follow carefully all instructions for the procedure given to you by your gastroenterologist.

  • Please make sure that you take all doses of laxatives as directed for your colonoscopy. If you have any problems with the laxative, please notify your physician.
  • If you are taking any blood-thinning medications like coumadin, aspirin, or Plavix, please contact your physician. You may need to stop these medications for a few days prior to the procedure.
  • Notify your physician if you develop any change in your health status such as fever, cough, or cold prior to the procedure.
  • Bring a list of all medications you may be taking.
  • For your comfort, wear loose comfortable clothing.
  • Leave jewelry and contact lens at home.
  • Do not bring any valuables.
  • You must have someone who will be responsible to accept your care and transport you home.
  • Arrive at the center 1 hour and 15 minutes prior to the procedure schedule time.
  • Before any sedative is given, you will be asked to sign an informed consent for the procedure.
Before Procedure

Before Procedure