After Procedure

  • After the procedure, you will spend some time in the recovery room. Our team of nurses and staff will ensure a nurturing and comforting environment during your recovery
  • It is common to have some amnesia due to sedative, and therefore you may not remember talking to your physician after the procedure. For this reason, your physician may desire to discuss the findings of the procedures or any special after-care instructions with your companion or a family member.
  • You will be given written discharge instructions and any necessary prescriptions before you leave. Please be sure to follow these instructions carefully.
  • You will be discharged home in the care of a family member or a friend who is PREARRANGED to drive you home.
  • You may feel a little dizzy and sleepy for several hours after the procedure. It is therefore advisable that you stay home, and take things easy for rest of the day.
  • Wait until the day following the procedure to drive a motor vehicle, operate any heavy equipment, or sign any important documents.
  • Do not drink any alcoholic beverage until the day after the procedure.
  • After the upper endoscopy, you may experience some minor throat irritation.
  • After biopsy or polyp removal during a colonoscopy, you may have some minor rectal bleeding.
  • If you develop persistent nausea, vomiting, persistent red maroon or black bowel movement or vomiting of blood, persistent abdominal pain, or fever, please contact your gastroenterologist immediately.
  • In case of an emergency, please call 911.
  • You will be advised to follow up with your physician to discuss the findings of the procedure.
After Procedure

After Procedure